2019. Populism and Liberal Democracy: A Comparative and Theoretical Analysis. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

2017. Σε τεντωμένο σκοινί: Εθνικές κρίσεις και πολιτικοί ακροβατισμοί από τον Τρικούπη έως τον Τσίπρα [On a Tightrope: National Crises and Brinkmanship in Greece from Trikoupis To Tsipras]. Athens: Ikaros

2015. European Populism in the Shadow of the Great Recession. Co-edited with Hanspeter Kriesi. Colchester: ECPR Press

2015. Λαϊκισμός και κρίση στην Ελλάδα. Athens: Ikaros

2014. Populism and Crisis Politics in Greece. Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan

2009. Το χαρισματικό κόμμα: Παπανδρέου, ΠΑΣΟΚ, Εξουσία [The Charismatic Party: PASOK, Papandreou, Power]. Athens: Patakis

2009. Κόμματα και πολιτική στην Ελλάδα [Parties and Politics in Greece: Contemporary Developments]. Co-edited with I. Konstantinidis and N. Marantzidis . Athens: Kritiki

1999. Making Party Democracy in Greece. London and New York: Macmillan and St Martin’s Press


2020. “The Pushback Against Populism: The Rise and Fall of Greece’s New Illiberalism,” Journal of Democracy 31:2 (April), 54-68.

2020. “Populism and Charisma.” In José Pedro Zuquete (ed.), The Routledge International Handbook of Charisma, London: Routledge.

2019. “Charm offensive: What is the allure of the charismatic leader?” RSA Journal, 28 August

2019. “Populists in Power,” Journal of Democracy 30:2 (April), 70-84

2019. “On Populism, Planets, and Why Concepts Should Precede Definitions and Theory-Seeking,” Sociologica 13:2, 19-22

2018. “How to Tell Nativists from Populists,” Journal of Democracy 29:1 (January), 148-152

2018. “Dealing with modern illiberal democracies: From vintage electoral autocracy to today’s jumble of populism with nativism.” In Arne Muis and Lars van Troost (eds), Will Human Rights Survive Illiberal Democracy? 25-30, Amsterdam: Amnesty International Strategic Studies.

2018. “Tres Desafíos para la Democracia in Europa: Anti-democratas, nativistas, populistas,” Revista Latinoamericana de Política Comparada 14 (July 2018), 9-28

2017. “Greece’s current modernization failure, Greek history’s déjà vu.” In Spyros Economides (ed.), Greece: Modernization and Europe 20 Years On, 18-22, London: Hellenic Observatory, London School of Economics.

2016. “The Specter Haunting Europe: Distinguishing Liberal Democracy’s Challengers,” Journal of Democracy 27:4 (October), 22-36

2016. “Are Populist Leaders ‘Charismatic’? The Evidence from Europe,” Constellations 23:3 (September), 378-390

2016. Modern Populism: Research Advances, Conceptual and Methodological Pitfalls, and the Minimal Definition. In William Thompson (ed.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press [first online publication, March]

2015. “Populism and Crisis: A Fuzzy Relationship.” In H. Kriesi and T.S. Pappas (eds.), Populism in the Shadow of the Great Recession, 303-325, Colchester: ECPR Press

2015. (with P. Aslanidis) “Greek Populism: A Political Drama in Five Acts.” In H. Kriesi and T.S. Pappas (eds.), Populism in the Shadow of the Great Recession, 181-196, Colchester: ECPR Press

2015. (with HP Kriesi) “Populism in Europe During Crisis: An Introduction.” In H. Kriesi and T.S. Pappas (eds.), Populism in the Shadow of the Great Recession, 1-19, Colchester: ECPR Press

2014. (with Eoin O’Malley) “Civil Compliance and ‘Political Luddism’: Explaining Social Unrest Variance During Crisis in Greece and Ireland,” American Behavioral Scientist 58:12 (November), 1592-1613

2014. “Populist Democracies: Post-Authoritarian Greece and Post-Communist Hungary,” Government and Opposition 49:1 (January; first published online 19 July 2013), 1-23

2014. (with Z. Lefkofridi) “Grecia: le elezioni e l’Europa ai tempi della crisi.” In M. Valbruzzi and R. Vignati (eds.), Le elezioni europee e amministrative del 25 maggio 2014. L’Italia e l’Europa al bivio delle riforme, 231-242. Bologna: Istituto C. Cattaneo

2013. “Why Greece failed,” Journal of Democracy 24:2 (April), 31-45

2012. “Il carisma politico,” Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica 3 (November), 369-384

2012. “The Outbreak of Civil War in Greece: Strategic Leadership, Brinkmanship, and Deterrence Failure.” Working Paper series, Political and Social Sciences, European University Institute, Florence, no. 2

2012. (with Z. Assimakopoulou) “Party Patronage in Greece: Political Entrepreneurship in a Party Patronage Democracy.” In P. Kopecký, P. Mair and M. Spirova (eds.), Party Patronage and Party Government in European Democracies, 144-162. Oxford: Oxford University Press

2012. “Populism Emergent: A Framework for Analyzing its Contexts, Mechanics, and Outcomes.” Working Paper series, Robert Schumann Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, Florence, no. 1

2012. “Blaming the Crisis on the Political Classes. Yes, But Why?” In O. Anastasakis and D. Singh (eds.), Reforming Greece: Sisyphean Task or Herculean Challenge? 29-38. Oxford: South East European Studies at Oxford (SEESOX)

2011. “Political Charisma Revisited, and Reclaimed for Political Science.” Working Paper series, Robert Schumann Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, Florence, no. 60

2010. “Macroeconomic Policy, Strategic Leadership, and Voter Behavior: The Disparate Tales of Socialist Reformism in Greece and Spain during the 1980s,” West European Politics 33:6 (November), 1241-1260

2010. “Winning by Default: The Greek Elections of 2009,” South European Societies and Politics 15:2 (June), 273-287

2010. “La lezione Greca,” Il Mulino no. 5 (September), 777-788

2009. “Patrons Against Partisans: The Politics of Patronage in Mass Ideological Parties,” Party Politics 15:3, 315-334

2009. What explains PASOK’s successive defeats? 4+1 interpretations” . In I. Constantinidis, N. Marantzidis, and T. S. Pappas (eds.), Parties and Politics in Greece: Contemporary Developments, 231-258. Athens: Kritiki

2008. “Political Leadership and the Emergence of Radical Mass Movements in Democracy,” Comparative Political Studies 41:8 (August), 1117-1140

2008. “Party crisis and leadership deficit: PASOK between two electoral defeats, 2004-2007” [in Greek], Science and Society 19, 179-190

2008. “Core executives in the 1970s and the ‘art of governance’” [in Greek]. In K. Svolopoulos, K. E. Botsiou, and E. Hatzivassiliou (eds.), Konstantinos Karamanlis in the twentieth century, 435-454. Athens: Konstantinos G. Karamanlis Foundation

2006. (with E. Dinas) “From Opposition to Power: Greek Conservatism Reinvented,” South European Society and Politics 11:3-4 (September), 477-498

  • Reproduced under same title in Anna Bosco and Leonardo Morlino (eds.), Party Change in Southern Europe. London and New York: Routledge, 2007, 141-159

2006. “The PASOK phenomenon; What is already known and what remains to be learned?” [in Greek]. In A. Afouxenidis and M. Alexakis (eds.), Political Sociology, 55-82. Athens: Papazisis

2005. “Shared Culture, Individual Strategy and Collective Action: Explaining Slobodan Milošević’s Charismatic Rise to Power,” Southeast European and Black Sea Studies 5:2 (May), 191-212

2003. “The Transformation of the Greek Party System Since 1951,” West European Politics 26:2 (April), 90-114

2002. “The end of charismatic politics? Political crisis, charismatic leadership and democracy in twentieth-century Greece” [in Greek], Greek Political Science Review 19, 22-58

2002. “Comparative analysis in the social and political sciences on the eve of 21th century: Issues and prospects” [in Greek]. In Ioanna Lampiri-Dimaki (ed.), Sociology in Contemporary Greece, vol. 3, 379-387. Athens: Papazisis

2001. “In Search of the Center: Conservative Parties, Electoral Competition, and Political Legitimacy in Southern Europe’s New Democracies.” In P. N. Diamandouros and R. Gunther (eds.), Parties, Politics, and Democracy in the New Southern Europe, 224-267. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press

2001. “Party system and political competition in Greece, 1981-2001” [in Greek], Greek Political Science Review 17, 71-102

1998. “Eastern Europe’s Wheels of Change: Departures from Communism in Comparative Perspective.”Athens: Centre for Political Research

1999. “Eastern Europe’s transition to democracy: From social opposition to civil society” [in Greek], Civic Society 3, 54-65

1998. “Nea Demokratia: Party Development and Organizational Logics.” In P. Ignazi and C. Ysmal(eds.),The Organization of Political Parties in Southern Europe, 221-237. New York: Praeger

1996. “Grand Designs, Narrow Choices: Conservatives and Democracy in Southern Europe.” Working Paper series, Political and Social Sciences, European University Institute, Florence

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